About Us
We provide articles about endometriosis and adenomyosis. We also provide scientific news as well as the latest studies and research.
Global Daily Endo News is a news platform for frequent information on endometriosis and adenomyosis, provided by doctors, healthcare professionals and patients, with the aim of creating a coalition between doctors and patients, that will help reduce the impact of these disease caused by wrong the lack of information.
A project of Association of People with Endometriosis, a charity based in Romania, served by a team of volunteers, Global Endo Daily News aims to cover the whole area of endometriosis by creating a variety of educational materials from brochures, leaflets, magazine and webinars.
Managed by Camelia Serban, the founder and president of the above-named charity, this project is one of this kind and one that we hope it will grow into one of the most read endometriosis platforms. We also hope to have more volunteers on board.